Wednesday 14 August 2013

The true happiness....

'Happiness comes from within', is an old but true quote which has practically lost its charishma because of overuse.

Happiness- if outside, is momentary, which cannot survive the complex nature of human and its relation with outside world. A practical and authentic example of festivals can be taken to understand the creeping phenomenon that sucks the very breath from the life support of 'happiness' like a parasite. In every culture, across the world, festivals are celebrated with zest in early years of life. Then they are followed with dull enthusiasm based on aquired habit patterns, in later days. People drag themselves to perform the routine blaming the change of time going from bad to worse. They say the substance is missing...A big bang gradually submitting to diminishing echo, probably going towards a slow and painful death. Where does the element gets lost?

It is not a complicated enigma which it looks like if seen superficially! The reason is obvious. It is simply because, in due course of time, the quench gets hydrated before being satisfied...or we can say, of course, the other way....the river gets dried up before reaching the ocean....the flight of an eagle remains half hearted if it gives up its desire to swim freely in the sky only because its wings start aching! The idea is that the monotonous routine of anything, even if that is enjoyable, becomes cumbersome task in long run.

To break the cyclic pattern we look for something new and soon that too becomes old and thus boring. The only truth that remains constant in outer world is 'change' and yet that change is unable to keep up the dying spirit. Do we need a magical wand to rejuvenate, for every life suffer from this illness of mental fatigue some or the other time in one's life span?

Actually it only takes a speck of ray on morning dew to regain the lost beauty, a lightening in barren land or a musical beat in chaos of imposed silence to nurture the eternal quest....the True Happiness....! We only have to look for it...within'...for there it is constant...for there it does not need special occasion to celebrate....for there one finds Sat Chit and Anand.....the permanent Bliss!