Saturday 1 March 2014

A story... lil different...

A story... lil different...

Note- i jotted it down for our topic of discusion. "Celebrate- without excuse. "

I was dancing once when i was little and young and full of life! Why? Friends asked, parents asked, i was questioned for being happy! I said,"oh it is lohri (may be, actually i dont remember)." Fine, a good reason to laugh and dance too...

Then came the adolescence and i was dancing once full of vigour and trust and hope. Why? Friends asked, parents asked, i was questioned for being happy! I said, "oh i have left past and future is going to be bright." Fine, thinking of a premature brain couldn't be wiser!

I stepped in adulthood and i was dancing once with loads of energy, full of trust and enthusiasm. Why? Friends asked, parents asked, i was questioned for being happy! I said," Oh, i am not thinking of future anymore for i started living in present." Well, a very intelligent reason for permanent happiness. I was really happy this time!

I moved into old age and i was dancing once with intensity, full of grace and love. Why? People asked with curiosity. I was questioned for being happy! I said." Oh, i am paying gratitude to almighty for His benevolence." Well, this time a genuine reason beyond all doubts!

I departured. Dancing all through the journey with vigour, hope, trust and joy. Why? Dear ones asked with tears in their eyes. I was questioned how could they be happy in my absence.
 I said," Celebrate, dance and be happy ALWAYS. Cherish every moment as a gift of Lord. Surrender all your deeds to divinity... One day your mind body and spirit will dance in unity and your celebration will ...complete!" My answer needed no more explanation for i was ...arrived!

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