Saturday 1 March 2014

Some precious thoughts

In the drama of life sometimes the stage is ragged, the role is shoddy, dialogues are forgotten, lights are poor, backdrop is torn.... no matter how hard you try, the audience is unresponsive.... you enact your last best part and the curtain doesnt drop when you wish.... all hope vanishes...and then someone claps! people gets up to give you standing ovation... you take your last breath leaving the stage for others to perform for the show must go on.....!!!

Surrender..... If you want to know Him ......for He knows the purpose of our actions and thoughts....until every small bit of our ambition, our desire, our dream is filled with His name....until we surrender our last worldly wish to His longing.... until  we hear in the silence of night the cry of our own heart.... until we turn our very soul into wet clay...... That Divine Sculptor won't chisel our life to His design!

There is so much written everywhere.... does anyone know the truth? That all questions ends where He prevails.... there wont be any trace of you or me.... this world turns into liquid... having waves and mingling in that vast ocean of Super conciousness... the drop being as powerful as the sea itself... sparks consists of the same properties of fire itself and lotus blooming as the sun itself... there cant be any end for there wasnt any beginning... it is absolute, omnipresent.... and mysterious to those who knows not and for knower it is.... Self.

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